Lothian Teachers Mountaineering Club

Members' Page

On this page members can access useful information about their membership of the LTMC. Confidential documents are password protected.

Privacy Policy

Please follow this link to view our Data Protection policy.

Meet Coordinator Info

Guidelines for Meet Coordinators latest version (password protected)  download here. This document gives guidelines for members organising weekend meets.

Route sheet for members to list their route download here.

To download a risk assessment (winter) document click here

Midweek walk route details

Details of routes followed on midweek walks since 2019 can be accessed here.

Any difficulty with access please email here.

Discounts for club members

Members can get discounts at the following stores in Edinburgh and elsewhere in the UK:
Costwold, Nevis Sport, Craigdon: 15%
Tiso: 10%.
These discounts cover most items that are not already discounted.  LTMC should present a current membership card to present to retailers and this should be shown when making a purchase. To access discounts at Cotswold please click here. Please note this file is password protected.  Members can email here if they need help with access.

Members' Contact Details

Please note these details are password protected.

Go here for the latest LTMC full member list August 2024

For the latest June 2024 email addresses list go here

Meet information

Please see our Meet Programme page for information about weekend and midweek meets, and for details of routes used on past midweek walks.

Meet Reports prior to 2022

Follow this link to all reports including those from 2016 to 2022. Please email here if you are a member who needs permission to access these files.

2022 Meet Reports

Follow this link to view 2022 Meet Reports 

2023 Meet Reports go here

AGM Minutes

For the 2023 AGM draft minutes go here.

AGM Minutes for the last few years go here